Changelog - 1.18.2
This is a client hotfix. Works with v1.4.3 servers.
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.25
Update overview:
~ Fixed crashing issue caused by armor stands with Gilded Netherite armor equipped.
Mods updated:
= Bygone Nether \[Client: 1.2.2 --> 1.3.2], [Server = 1.2.2]
This is a client hotfix. Works with v1.4.3 servers.
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.25
Update overview:
~ Downgraded the Fabric version on the client-side to match the server. Hopefully helping with stability.
~ Resource Packs are now force enabled and locked in the menu to prevent issues during updates.
Data Packs added:
+ Better End Cities for Better End [Pinned]
Mods removed:
- Better End Cities Better End (Requires Fabric-0.15.3 or higher. Replaced by its datapack variant)
Mod updates reverted:
> Raknetify [Pinned] (Newer versions doesn't seem to work)
Config Changes:
= Set default resource packs to "required" and "fixed_position": [Resource Pack Overrides], [Client]
Fabric version: Fabric-0.15.6
Update overview:
~ New Origins from 'Extra Origins'. (This is the mod with the Inchling origin)
~ New rare bosses to battle in Overworld, The Nether and The End.
~ Additional structure mods to make exploring more exciting.
~ The Ender Dragon now scales in difficulty to the amount of players fighting it.
~ Support for the use of Discord style emotes in the chat.
~ Fixed lag spike when a player joins for the first time. [Server]
~ Animals can now respawn, making the world feel more populated.
~ End cities now generate in the style of 'Better End'.
~ Meef Stroganoff from 'The Twilight Forest' can now be eaten by all origins.
~ Half of the 'Bone Broth' food items have been replaced with 'Mixed Salad' to make it more fair towards vegetarian origins.
~ Added a killstreak/rage meter that makes you deal increased damage the more mobs you kill in short succession.
~ Changed character leveling costs to follow a linear formula instead of exponential.
~ And more!
Mods added:
+ Recipe Unlocker [Client]
+ Styled Nicknames [Server]
+ Melius Vanish [Server]
+ Extra Origins
+ Pehkui
+ Unstructured
+ Savage Ender Dragon
+ Fabric Emotes [Client]
+ Respawning Animals
+ Suggestion Tweaker
+ ClickThrough [Client]
+ Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded
+ Hopo Better Ruined Portals
+ Trade Cycling
+ Bosses of Mass Destruction
+ Cardinal Components API
+ GeckoLib
+ Better End Cities Better End [Client]
+ Simple Shulker Preview
+ Quick Shulker
+ Warrior Rage
+ DeathQuotes / Death Quotes [Server]
Resource Packs added:
+ Fresh Friends
Data Packs added:
+ Extra Origins - Disable Piglin [Server]
+ Better End Cities Better End [Server]
Mods removed:
- More Banner Features
- YUNG's Bridges
Mods disabled:
- Mobs Attempt Parkour
- Memory Leak Fix
Mods updated:
> Fabric API
> Cloth Config API
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Fabric Language Kotlin
> Fabric Shield Lib
> Harvest with ease
> Memory Leak Fix
> ModernFix
> Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer
> Not Enough Animations
> Open Parties and Claims
> Raknetify
> Roughly Enough Items
> Roughly Enough Professions
> Simple Voice Chat
> Skin Layers 3D
> Terralith
> Xaero's Minimap Fair-play Edition
> Xaero's World Map
Resource Packs updated:
> Slightly Improved Font (32x)
Data Packs updated:
> Insomnia Compat
Config Changes:
= Disabled "AutomaticRecipeUnlock" due to causing immense lag spikes: [Charm], [Server]
= Increased "max_distance" from 5000 to 7500: [RandomTP], [Server]
= Increased "maxPlayerClaims" from 50 to 100: [Open Parties and Claims], [Server]
= Added some items to "itemUseProtectionExceptionList" ("minecraft:potion", "waystones:pocket_wormhole", "waystones:local_void", "waystones:abyss_watcher", "waystones:waystone_scroll"): [Open Parties and Claims], [Server]
= Changed "offsetX" to 25: [Warrior Rage], [Client]
= Added disclaimer to the Resource Pack menu: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Improved the death screens of both Multiplayer & Singleplayer as well as seperating them into their own layouts (Too lazy to list individual changes): [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Replaced half of the bone_broth with mixed_salad, to have something for both vegetarian and carnivore origins: [Starter Kit | Starter Items] , [Client | Server]
= Changed the leveling formula to be linear (1+1x): [PlayerEx], [Both]
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.24
Update overview:
~ Added several new Origins.
~ Greatly improved FPS in areas with many particles.
~ The Orb of Origin now has a crafting recipe.
~ Added The Twilight Forest dimension.
~ Changed character leveling to follow an exponential curve.
~ Compatibility between 'Simply Swords' and several mods.
~ Improved health and armor bar visualization.
~ Fixed some crashing issues.
~ Fixed underwater visibility for the Merling origin.
~ Players now start with an Orb of Origin [Server]
Mods added:
+ MoreCulling [Client]
+ DEUF Refabricated
+ TooManyOrigins
+ Alternate Origin GUI [Client]
+ The Twilight Forest
+ Knaves' Needs
+ Raknetify [Client] (Experimental)
+ Overflowing Bars [Client]
+ Raised [Client]
+ Builtin Servers [Client]
Data Packs added:
+ Orb of Origin Crafting Recipe
+ TooManyOrigins - Disable Withered [Server]
Metadata Changes:
= Iris Shaders [MR --> CF]
Mods removed:
- Carpet (Causes intermittent server crashes)
- Health Overlay (Replaced by 'Overflowing Bars')
- Detail Armor Bar (Replaced by 'Overflowing Bars')
- Very Many Players
Mods updated:
> Better chunk loading
> Collective
> Compact Help Command
> Entity Model Features
> Entity Texture Features
> Fabric Language Kotlin
> Furnace Recycle
> Harvest with ease
> Inventory Profiles Next
> libIPN
> ModernFix
> Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer
> Nether Portal Spread
> Roughly Enough Items
> Saplanting
> Simple Voice Chat
> Starter Kit
> Starter Structure
> Xaero's World Map
Config Changes:
= Changed the leveling formula to be exponential (0.02x^2+0.5x+1): [PlayerEx], [Both]
= Enabled "opt_out_updater" (fixes an error message when starting a server): [Debugify], [Both]
= Moved toughness bar to the left side: [Overflowing Bars], [Client]
= Shifted the cooldown bar up by 1: [Origins], [Client]
= The RAM allocation guide now links to a new page on our wiki: [Memory Settings], [Client]
= Enabled underwater fog modification: [Simple Fog], [Client]
= Disabled "Builtin" badge: [Builtin Servers], [Client]
= Configured with the regular official server address and an experimental RakNet connection: [Builtin Servers], [Client]
= Added 'Orb of Origin' to the list of starter items: [Starter Items], [Server]
If updating from v1.4.0 or prior, be sure to delete the "options.txt" to avoid issues with Resource Packs.
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.23
Update overview:
~ Replaced logo with the new one.
~ Overhauled the Discord Rich Presense integration.
~ Added some additional optimization mods.
~ Nether fog is now corralated with the render distance.
~ Disabled generation of vanilla villages.
~ Disabled generation of the 'Toxic Heap' biome in The Nether.
~ Birch Leaves are no longer orange.
~ Fixed vegetation in certain biomes being orange.
~ Fixed custom menus not rendering after changing language.
~ Mobs from 'Incendium' now have unique textures.
~ Fixed crashing issue related to the Wildfire Runic effect.
~ Disabled additional health gained through item rarities.
~ Replaced 'CEM fork' with 'Entity Model Features'.
~ Switched to using the official 'FreshAnimation' version.
Mods added:
+ Inv View [Server]
+ Better chunk loading [Server]
+ Limited Chunkloading - Chunk cleanup [Server]
+ Cupboard [Server] (Dependency of 'Better chunk loading')
+ FixMySpawnR [Server]
+ Simple Fog Control [Client]
+ ModernFix
+ Village Nullifier
+ CIT Resewn [Client]
+ CapeTweaks [Client]
+ Entity Model Features [Client]
Resource/Shader Packs added:
+ Incendium Optional Resourcepack [MR]
+ Fresh Animations
+ Fresh Animations Extensions
Data Packs added:
+ Disable Incendium Toxic Heap Biome
+ Disable TieredZ Max Health
Metadata Changes:
= Memory Leak Fix [CF --> MR]
= Iris [CF --> MR]
Mods removed:
- Erroring Entity Remover (Incompatible with 'Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer')
- Enhanced Block Entities (Incompatibility with Create's "Flywheel" causes block entities to flicker)
- lazy-language-loader (Incompatibility with 'FancyMenu' causes custom menus to not render after changing language)
- Capes (Outdated and longer works with the MinecraftCapes service)
- Custom Entity Models Fork (Replaced by 'Entity Model Features')
- Custom Entity Models
Resource Packs removed:
- Fresh Animations CEM fork
Mods updated:
> AppleSkin
> BisectHosting Server Integration Menu
> Bygone Nether
> Collective
> Durability Tooltip
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Entity Texture Features
> Fabric Language Kotlin
> Fabric Shield Lib
> Inventory Profiles Next
> Iris Shaders
> Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
> libIPN
> Memory Leak Fix
> Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer
> Open Parties and Claims
> Red Bits
> Roughly Enough Items
> Simple Discord RPC
> Simple Voice Chat
> SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
> Xaero's Minimap (Fair-play Edition)
> Xaero's World Map
Config Changes:
= Disabled "can_players_toggle_global_mode": [Fabric Waystones], [Both]
= Replaced logo on the title screen with the new one: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Replaced window icons with new ones: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed Discord RPC to use its own "Insomnia: Hardcore" application: [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]
= Replaced largeImageKey with the new logo GIF: [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]
= Now just says "In %world%" instead of "Currently in %world%": [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]
= Now overwrites the description when in the Overworld to say "In the Overworld": [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]
= Disabled "customFogRendering": [BCLib], [Client]
= Disabled terrain & underwater fog modification: [Simple Fog Control], [Client]
= Now overrides the colormap of grass. Making it no longer turn orange in certain biomes: [Insomnia Textures], [Client]
= Now overrides the birch_leaves texture with the vanilla one. Making them no longer appear orange: [Insomnia Textures], [Client]
= Disabled "ash" and "campfire_cosy_smoke" particles by default, due to them causing poor FPS in The Nether: [Sodium Extra], [Client]
= Disabled migration cape: [CapeTweaks], [Client]
= Changed "wildfire_chance", "wildfire_duration" and "wildfire_radius" to 0.0 (Effectively disabling the effect): [Simply Swords], [Both]
= Changed message on the Wildfire runic effect to make it clear that it has been disabled: [Insomnia Custom Lang], [Client]
= Disabled update notification: [Xaero's Minimap], [Client]
= 'Tissou's Zombie Pack' no longer marked as "required": [Resource Pack Overrides], [Client]
This version includes breaking changes! Updating an existing world to this version will result in issues.
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.22
Update overview:
~ Added RPG style attribute leveling.
~ Players now keep their armor and hotbar upon death.
~ Removed Gravestones/TotemOfPreserving.
~ Replaced 'Amplified Nether' with 'Incendium'. (Incompatibility between 'Incendium' and 'Terralith' have been fixed)
~ Fixed default properties file not being utilized when using a hosting service. [Server]
~ Greatly nerfed the effectiveness of mob farms.
~ Mobs now target you from a bit further away.
~ Increased mob spawning at night from 30% to 50% above vanilla.
~ Fixed crashes related to shields.
~ Players now spawn in a custom structure before being sent on their adventures. [Server]
Mods added:
+ Log More Info
+ PlayerEx
+ Data Attributes
+ Incendium
+ Unfixed Seeds
+ Cristel Lib
+ Fabric Permissions API
+ Save Gear on Death
+ Compact Help Command
+ Too Fast [Server]
+ Default Server Properties [Server]
+ FullStack Watchdog [Server]
+ Very Many Players [Server]
+ No Mob Farms
+ Farsighted Mobs
+ RandomTP [Server]
+ Starter Structure [Server]
+ Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer
+ Basic Shields - Enchantless Fork
Mods removed:
- Amplified Nether
- Carpet-Fixes (Can cause the server to hang)
- Forgotten Graves
- Basic Shields
Mods updated:
> Alternate Current
> BisectHosting Server Integration Menu
> Cloth Config API
> Collective
> Create Fabric
> Global Packs
> Entity Texture Features
> Fabric Language Kotlin
> Fabric Waystones
> FancyMenu
> Harvest with ease
> Immersive Armors
> Inventory Profiles Next
> Jade 🔍
> libIPN
> Memory Settings
> Name Pain
> Create Support for Open Parties and Claims
> Open Parties and Claims
> OptiGUI
> Polymorph
> Raised
> Roughly Enough Items
> Simple Discord RPC
> Simple Voice Chat
> SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
> Terralith
> TieFix
> Xaero's World Map
> Your Options Shall Be Respected
Config Changes:
= Moved the default properties file into the root of the server folder and renamed it to "": [Default Server Properties], [Server]
= Disabled TotemOfPreserving: [Charm], [Server]
= Disabled "applyPatches" due to it causing issues with the new update of Terralith/Incendium: [BCLib], [Both]
= Increased mob spawning at night from 30% to 50% above vanilla: [Dusk], [Server]
= Disabled "inter-dimensions-command": [RandomTP], [Server]
= Disabled "inter-biomes-command": [RandomTP], [Server]
= Set max distance to 5000: [RandomTP], [Server]
= Set cooldown to 300: [RandomTP], [Server]
= Changed spawnRadius gamerule to "0": [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
= Added a clock to the list of starter items: [Starter Items], [Server]
= Changed to use the vanilla spreadplayers system, since it provides more safe teleportation: [RandomRTP], [Server]
= Disabled "EditableSigns". This is to prevent changing the text in the starter structure: [Charm], [Server]
= Disabled most keybinds from the mod by default: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled villager trading component by default: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Spectators now gets frozen inside the starting structure: [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
v1.3.2 - Tinkers Construct
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.21
Update overview:
~ Added 'Hephaestus' which is a fork of 'Tinkers Construct'.
~ Added Mining Dimensions.
~ Compatibility between 'Hephaestus' and 'Better Combat'.
~ Fixed "Failed to log in: null" error when trying to join servers.
~ Fixed modded elytras not rendering.
~ Quality of life improvements.
Mods added:
+ Hephaestus
+ Chunk Sending [Server]
+ Chat Patches [Client]
+ Mining Dimensions
+ Create Support for Open Parties and Claims
+ Durability Tooltip [Client]
+ SuperMartijn642's Config Lib [Client]
+ Jade 🔍
+ Elytra Physics [Client]
+ Health Overlay [Client]
+ Harvest with ease
+ Capes [Client]
Data Packs added:
+ Insomnia Compat
Mods removed:
- Auth Me
- Don't Clear Chat History
- More Chat History
- Wandering Trapper
- Right-Click-Harvest
- MinecraftCapes Mod (Replaced by 'Capes')
- ShulkerBoxTooltip (Functionality already included in 'Charm')
Mods disabled:
- Raised (Compatibility issue with 'Hephaestus')
Data Packs removed:
- Origins: Tags Compat [Bundled] (Replaced with 'Insomnia Compat')
Mods updated:
> Bookshelf
> Controlling
> Create Fabric
> Inventory Profiles Next
> libIPN
> Roughly Enough Items
> Simple Voice Chat
> Wandering Collector
> Xaero's World Map
Config Changes:
= Disabled loading of spawn chunks: [ServerCore], [Server]
= Added waystones to forcedBlockProtectionExceptionList: [Open Parties and Claims], [Server]
= Decreased maxPlayerClaims from 500 to just 50: [Open Parties and Claims], [Server]
= Disabled "time": [Chat Patches], [Client]
= Changed name formatting: [Chat Patches], [Client]
= Increased login protection to 600 ticks: [Login Protection], [Server]
= Set the alpha value to "0": [Jade], [Client]
= Configured to use the capes from 'MinecraftCapes' by default: [Capes], [Client]
v1.3.1 - Chunk Claiming
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.19
Update summary:
~ Disabled Blazeborn origin on servers.
~ Added compatibility for Origins with several other mods for foods, shields and ranged weapons.
~ Added chunk claiming.
~ Fixed zombie textures not being randomized.
~ Fixed items being lost when dying to a creeper.
Mods added:
+ Open Parties and Claims
+ TieredZ
+ AutoTag
+ ServerCore [Server]
+ Carpet
+ Carpet-Fixes
Data Packs added:
+ Origins: No Blazeborn (Custom) [Server]
+ Origins: Tags Compat (Custom)
Mods removed:
- Puzzle (Causes crash with 'CEM Fork')
- C2ME
Mods updated:
> Architectury API
> BisectHosting Server Integration Menu
> Dyed
> Inventory Profiles Next
> Konkrete
> libIPN
> Log Begone
> Simple Voice Chat
> spark
> Xaero's World Map
Config Changes:
= Increased login protection from 100 to 200 ticks: [Login Protection], [Server]
= FreshAnimations is no longer locked and may now be moved around in the resourcepack menu: [Resource Pack Overrides], [Client]
= Changed the default simulation distance to "8": [YOSBR], [Client]
= Changed the default simulation distance of servers to "8": [Server]
= Disabled "dropRandomOnExplosion": [Revive], [Both]
= Moved "Public Servers" button a bit in the multiplayer menu to be in line with the other buttons: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Disabled graves from servers: [Forgotten Graves], [Server]
= Enabled "TotemOfPreserving" on servers: [Charm], [Server]
= Added modded ores and chests to the hiddenBlocks list: [AntiXray], [Server]
v1.3.0 - A Very Major Update
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.19
Update summary:
~ New combat system and some additional weapons to go along with it.
~ Caves now get completely dark and torches held by players emit light.
~ Proximity voice chat functionality with realistic reverb.
~ Now includes a shaderspacks with a Quality and Performance configuration to choose from.
~ New improved monster and animal models, animations and textures.
~ Overhauls for a bunch of vanilla buildings.
~ New dungeons to explore.
~ Reworked respawning system that allows for players to get a second chance as well as getting absorption effect upon respawning.
~ Player spawn locations are now completely randomized on servers.
~ Players now get an instantly built starter house.
~ Home teleport commands replaced with a recall potion.
~ Improved title screen with better dynamic scaling of elements.
Mods added:
+ Custom Entity Models Fork [Client]
+ Traveler's Titles [Client]
+ True Darkness [Client]
+ LambDynamicLights [Client]
+ YUNG's Better Desert Temples
+ YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments
+ YUNG's Better Witch Huts
+ YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses
+ Collective
+ Furnace Recycle
+ Nether Portal Spread
+ Productive Villagers
+ Better Combat
+ playerAnimator (Dependency of 'Better Combat')
+ Patchouli
+ Simply Swords
+ Combat Roll
+ Simple Voice Chat
+ MemoryLeakFix
+ Sound Physics Remastered
+ Recall Potion Backport
+ Droplight
+ ImmediatelyFast [Client]
+ Prefab
+ FabricTPA [Server]
+ Resource Pack Overrides [Client]
+ Your Options Shall Be Respected [Client]
+ Bygone Nether
+ Let Me Despawn
+ AntiXray [Server]
+ Log Begone [Server]
+ Better End
+ BCLib (Dependency of 'Better End')
+ OptiGUI [Client]
+ Exordium [Client]
+ Chunky
+ ShulkerBoxTooltip
+ Roughly Enough Trades [Client]
+ Fix Experience Bug
+ Farmer's Knives
+ Immersive Armors
+ It Takes a Pillage
+ Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat [Client]
+ End Remastered
+ Enderite Mod
+ Starter Items [Server]
+ Xaero's Minimap (Fair-play Edition)
+ Awesome Dungeon The End edition
+ Awesome Dungeon Nether edition
+ Library Ferret (Dependency of both'Awesome Dungeon' mods)
Resource/Shader Packs added:
+ ComplementaryReimagined
+ Fresh Animations CEM Fork
+ Fresh Animations (Not selectable since the normal version is incompatible with CEM)
+ Visual Traveler's Titles
+ Tissou's Zombie Pack
+ Stay True
+ StayTrue NoBushyLeaves
+ GUI Reimagined
Mods removed:
- Collective (Legacy Fabric)
- Furnace Recycle (Legacy Fabric)
- Nether Portal Spread (Legacy Fabric)
- Essential Commands [Server]
- Additional Additions
- MedievalWeapons
- Dynamic Sound Filters [Client]
- Compact Help Command (Legacy Fabric) [Server]
- No Angled Brackets [Client]
- End Goblin Traders (Spam in server console) [Server]
- Universal Ores
- Dawn
- Flytre Lib
- Village Spawn Point (Incompatible with 'Towns & Towers')
- Default Options [Client]
- Structory
- Better Fps - Render Distance [Client]
- Boring Backgrounds [Client]
- Incendium (Incompatible with 'Amplified Nether' and causes Terraliths SeedFix to break)
- Consistency+ (Causes issues with messages in the server console. Making them not write properly)
- Fastload (Causes crash on server and poor framerate stability in singleplayer)
Mods disabled:
- Custom Entity Models [Client]
Mods updated:
> Alternate Current
> Architectury API
> Balm
> BisectHosting Server Integration Menu
> Bookshelf
> Continuity
> Create Fabric
> Dark Paintings
> Dyed
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Entity Texture Features
> Entity Culling
> Fabric API
> Fabric Language Kotlin
> Fabric Shield Lib
> Fabric Waystones
> FancyMenu
> Forgotten Graves
> I Know What I'm Doing (IKWID)
> Inventory Profiles Next
> InvMove
> Iris Shaders
> libIPN
> MemoryLeakFix
> NetherPortalFix
> Raised
> Roughly Enough Items
> Sodium Extra
> Simple Discord RPC
> Towns and Towers
> Wavey Capes
> Xaero's World Map
> Guard Villagers
> TieFix
Config Changes:
= Changed the "Official Server" button to just open the multiplayer (Having it connect directly to the server rarely worked): [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Disabled auto scaling: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed "Force GUI Scale" to 0: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Moved the buttons closer to the center to ensure that they can't move outside of the game window depending on scale/window size: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Logo now always stays in the middle between the buttons and the top of the screen: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed cave ligting to "Very Dark": [ComplementaryReimagined], [Client]
= Disabled biome titles: [Travelers Titles], [Client]
= Disabled darkness from Nether and End dimensions: [True Darkness], [Client]
= Changed so that the mod only affects block light: [True Darkness], [Client]
= Moved multiple configs to be handled by 'YOSBR' so that they dont get overwritten with each update('Inventory Profiles Next', 'FPS Reducer', 'Rougly Enough Items', 'Simple Voice Chat', 'Sodium Extra Options' and 'Xaero's World Map'): [YOSBR], [Client]
= Set "use_new_model_creation_fix" to false for 'FreshAnimation' compatibility: [Custom Entity Models], [Client]
= Disabled variant mob textures as it conflicts with 'FreshAnimation': [Charm], [Client]
= Sets gamerule "spawnRadius" to 5000 on first startup so each player spawns in a random location: [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
= Gutted the villager and zombie villager textures to prevent conflict with 'FreshAnimation': [Tissou's Zombie Pack], [Client]
= Players now get absorption upon respawning: [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
= Players can have multiple lives (1 extra for now): [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
= Players now become frozen in place when dead to prevent lag from spectators flying around: [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
= spectatorsGenerateChunks now gets set to "true" on load to prevent dead players not being able to load into the world: [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
= When respawning, the player now gets teleported to a random location instead of the players respawn location (within 5000 blocks): [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
= Hardcore death screen nw only shows multiplayer related warnings when playing multiplayer: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Improved the warning text on the hardcore death screen to more precisely conway to new players what clicking the "Accept your fate" button does: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= The "Title Screen" button in the death screen is now only visible when playing singleplayer: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Toned down the range of sound and gain of the reverb: [Sound Physics Remastered], [Both]
= Players now also start with 16 torches: [StarterKit], [Client]
= Players now starts with an Iron Katana instead of a Wooden Sword: [StarterKit], [Client]
= Players now starts with 16 Bone Broth instead of Bread: [StarterKit], [Client]
= Players is now given a Recall Potion when respawning: [Insomnia Respawn], [Server]
= Items no longer gets picked up directly into inventory by default: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Changed some of the text in the Discord rich presence: [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]
= Changed beam height to "2" and set it to the pixelated mode: [Droplight], [Client]
= Made building items uncraftable so that they may only be optained by being spawned in: [Prefab], [Both]
= Disabled items spawning in the chests of the starter house: [Prefab], [Both]
= Disabled advancements from the mod to prevent spam in the chat upon creating a new world: [Charm], [Both]
= Added some Recall Potions to the starter kit: [StarterKit], [Client]
= Re-configured BH-mod, so that the new "View public servers" should show a list of servers using the modpack: [BisectHosting Integration], [Client]
= Configured to ensure that the correct resourcepacks gets loaded: [Resource Pack Overrides], [Client]
= Disabled the "Favorite Entry" keybind by default as it causes indesired behavior with 'InvMove': [Roughly Enough Items], [Client]
= Disabled killer_bunny_castle structure: [Mo' Structures], [Both]
= Increased timeout timer to 300 seconds: [FabricTPA], [Server]
= Created 'Insomnia Textures' resourcepack to change the menu background texture: [Insomnia Textures], [Client]
= Disabled "the_castle_in_the_sky" structure: [Mo' Structures], [Both]
= Deleted unused spectator death message: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Removed spawning of additional waystone stuctures in 'Towns & Towers' villages (They were added to the natural generation of 'Towns & Towers'): [Fabric Waystones], [Both]
= Disabled "enabledScreens" to fix flickering issue with 'Advancement Plaques': [Exordium], [Client]
= Relocated some of the inventory buttons slightly: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled the "Move All Items" button by default: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled connected textures by default: [Continuity], [Client]
= Disabled "REPLACE_IRON_GOLEMS": [It Takes a Pillage], [Both]
= Swapped the leather armor in favor of wooden armor from 'Immersive Armors': [StarterKit], [Client]
= Added a book that explains the usage of the Recall potion: [StarterKit], [Client]
= Configured mod to give the same base items as those 'StarterKit' gives in singleplayer: [Starter Items], [Server]
= Added a book that explains the usage of the Revivify potion: [Starter Items], [Server]
= Sends a message that lets the player know that they have a life to spare when joining a server for the first time: [Starter Items], [Server]
= CombatRoll keybind has been moved to "C" by default: [YOSBR], [Client]
= Moved Crawl keybind to "X" by default: [YOSBR], [Client]
= New background panorama: [FancyMenu], [Client]
v1.2.4 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.11
Update summary:
~ Redesigned the main menu a bit.
~ Added 'Slightly Improved Font' resource pack.
~ Updated all mods to their latest version.
Mods added:
+ Prism (New dependency for 'Legendary Tooltips') [Client]
+ libIPN (New dependency for 'Inventory Profiles Next') [Client]
+ MixinTrace [Both]
+ More Axolotl Variants API [Both]
Resource Packs added:
+ Slightly Improved Font (32x) [Client]
Data Packs added:
+ Remove Terralith Intro Message [Client]
Mods removed:
- No Null Processors (Not needed in 1.18.2) [Both]
- Not Enough Crashes [Client]
Mods updated:
> Advancement Plaques
> AppleSkin
> Architectury API
> Blockus
> Bookshelf
> Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
> Charm
> Cloth Config API
> Clumps
> Collective
> Compact Help Command
> Consistency+
> Continuity
> Controlling
> Create Fabric
> Decorative Block
> Global Packs
> Dyed
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Entity Texture Features
> Fabric API
> Fabric Language Kotlin
> FancyMenu
> Farmer's Delight
> Fastload
> Forge Config API Port
> Furnace Recycle
> Incantationem
> Ingredient Extension API
> Inventory Profiles Next
> Iris Shaders
> Konkrete
> Legendary Tooltips
> Lithium
> More Axolotl Variants Mod
> Mod Menu
> Nether Portal Spread
> Puzzle
> Raised
> Red Bits
> Roughly Enough Items
> Roughly Enough Professions
> Saplanting
> Simple Discord RPC
> Skin Layers 3D
> Sodium Extra
> Starter Kit
> Terralith
> TieFix
> Towns and Towers
> Village Spawn Point
> Xaero's World Map
> Zoomify
> Eclectic Trove (Legendary Tooltips)
Config Changes:
= Players now start with full leather armor: [StarterKit], [Both]
= Added new button to the main menu that links to the Crism Modpacks Wiki: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Made the "Changelog" button into a tiny button and gave it a new icon: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Added "Official server" button that will join the official server when clicked: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Removed the language button (The language can just as easily be changed through the settings menu): [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Moved the tiny buttons below the large buttons: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed how the modpack version is being rendered: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Deleted a few lines from splashes.txt: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Removed unused TNT texture: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Made the logo inside the "Join our Discord!" button a tiny bit smaller: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Enabled the "Slightly Improved Font (32x)" resourcepack by default: [Client]
= Disabled the start message from ‘Terralith’: [Terralith], [Client]
= Wrote a new starting script for the server that checks if the "" exist in the servers directory and copies it into the folder if it doesn't. This way the file no longer gets overwritten when updating the modpack: [Server]
v1.2.3 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.8
Update summary: Improved server and singleplayer performance. Added and removed a few mods. Updated all mods to their latest versions. Made some quality of life config changes.
Mods added:
+ Better Ping Display [Client]
+ Borderless Mining [Client]
+ Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
+ Dynamic Sound Filters [Client]
+ Structory
Mods removed:
- Fabric Sit (Can cause suffication when rightclicking a staircase with a block above it)
- More Villagers (Causing generation issues with 'Towns and Towers' villages)
- Market Crates
- Launchpads
- NPC Variety - Port (Causes a crash)
Mods updated:
> Architectury API
> Balm
> Bookshelf
> Clumps
> Collective
> Controlling
> Create Fabric
> Essential Commands
> Fabric API
> Fabric Language Kotlin
> Fabric Waystones
> FancyMenu
> Fastload
> Forge Config API Port
> Furnace Recycle
> Indium
> InvMove
> InvMoveCompats
> Inventory Profiles Next
> Iris Shaders
> Konkrete
> Nether Portal Spread
> Puzzle
> Roughly Enough Items
> Simple Discord RPC
> Sodium Extra
> Starter Kit
> Universal Ores
> Village Spawn Point
> Xaero's World Map
Config Changes:
= Added new contextual message to some menus when in spectator mode after dying: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed "Horizonal Entries Boundaries" to 60%: [Roughly Enough Items], [Client]
= Changed "Horizonal Favorites Boundaries" to 60%: [Roughly Enough Items], [Client]
= Changed default keybinding for activating the AntiGhost mod to the period key in order to fix a conflict with the Origins mod primary ability: [Default Options], [Client]
= Disabled "Items Highlight": [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]\
v1.2.2 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.8
Update summary: Updated all mods to their latest versions. Removed some unnecessary mods. Added BisectHosting Integration and moved around the buttons on the title screen.
Mods added:
+ BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [Client]
+ Fastload
Mods removed:
- Ksyxis
- Library Ferret
- Window Title Changer
- loadmyresources
- ToolTipFix (Included in Debugify)
- Entity Collision FPS Fix Refabricated (Included in Debugify)
- FastOpenLinksAndFolders (Included in Debugify)
- No Telemetry (Included in Debugify)
- Puzzle [Server]
- Better Fabric Console (Causes crash when placing certain blocks from the 'Create' mod)
- Stylized Player List (Causes crash when placing certain blocks from the 'Create' mod)
Mods updated:
> Additional Additions
> Advancement Plaques
> Alternate Current
> Animatica
> Architectury API
> Armor Sound Tweak
> Balm
> Better Fps - Render Distance
> Better Third Person
> Bookshelf
> Camp Chair
> Charm
> Cherished Worlds
> CIT Resewn
> Clumps
> Collective
> Continuity
> Controlling
> Couplings
> Create Fabric
> Dawn API
> Debugify
> Default Options
> Dusk
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Enhanced Block Entities
> Entity Texture Features
> Fabric API
> Fabric Language Kotlin
> Fabric Waystones
> FancyMenu
> Faux Custom Entity Data
> Flytre Lib
> Global Data- & Resourcepacks
> I Know What I'm Doing
> Incendium
> Indium
> Ingredient Extension API
> Inventory Profiles Next
> Iris Shaders
> Konkrete
> LambdaBetterGrass
> Lan Server Properties
> Legendary Tooltips
> MidnightLib
> MmmMmmMmmMmm
> Mod Menu
> More Axolotl Variants Mod
> More Villagers
> Raised
> Red Bits
> Roughly Enough Items
> Sodium Extra
> spark
> Universal Ores
> Xaero's World Map
> YUNG's Better Mineshafts
Config Changes:
= Moved around the buttons on the main menu: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed the "Changelog" button so that it now links to the CrismPack Wiki: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Added "Need a server?" button with our BisectHosting affiliate link: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Enabled "Custom Window Icon" and "Custom Window Title": [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Set "Custom Window Title" to "Insomnia: Hardcore - Minecraft 1.18.2": [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Added custom window icon files: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Disabled "defaultguiscale" as it would conflict with YOSBR: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Disabled fade-in on buttons: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Added a warning message above the "Accept your fate" button: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Added an additional message on the death screen that only shows when playing on the official server: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changes largeImageText to "Insomnia: Hardcore - Minecraft %mcver%": [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]
= Disabled configScreen: [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]
= Configured the BHMenu: [BisectHosting Server Integration Menu], [Client]
= Changed deathScreen.spectate to "Accept your fate": [Insomnia Custom Lang], [Client]\
1.19-pre1 - Pre Release
This is a Pre-Release, meaning that it is still very much work in progress. Expect to run into issues when using this version.
Serverfiles may not be available for all versions.
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.8
Update summary: Initial pre-release for 1.19. Many mods are yet to be updated to the new version which is the reason for so many mods being removed. Changelogs are in comparison to version 1.2.1.
Mods added:
+ MixinTrace
+ Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR)
+ Fastload
+ Patchouli
+ Leaves Us In Peace
Mods removed:
- ToolTipFix (Included in Debugify)
- Entity Collision FPS Fix Refabricated (Included in Debugify)
- loadmyresources
- More Banner Features (Causes a crash)
- FastOpenLinksAndFolders (Included in Debugify)
- Default Options (Replaced by YOSBR)
- Window Title Changer
- Camp Chair
- Flytre Lib
- No Angled Brackets
- Wandering Collector (Causes a crash)
- Market Crates (Outdated)
- Advancements Enlarger (Outdated)
- Amplified Nether (Outdated)
- Basic Shields (Outdated)
- Better Than Mending (Outdated)
- Boring Backgrounds (Outdated)
- Bow Infinity Fix (Outdated)
- Cherished Worlds (Outdated)
- Cloth API (Outdated)
- Companion 🐕 (Outdated)
- Consistency+ (Outdated)
- Create Fabric (Outdated)
- Dark Enchanting (Outdated)
- Dawn API (Outdated)
- Decorative Blocks (Outdated)
- Dense Ores: Refabricated (Outdated)
- Dimension Fix (Outdated)
- Drip Sounds (Outdated)
- Easy Magic (Outdated)
- End Goblin Traders (Outdated)
- Fabric Shield Lib (Outdated)
- Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone (Outdated)
- Forgotten Graves (Outdated)
- Improved Stations (Outdated)
- Incantationem (Outdated)
- Incendium (Outdated)
- InvMove (Outdated)
- InvMoveCompats (Outdated)
- Item Model Fix (Outdated)
- Ksyxis (Outdated)
- Leaf Decay (Outdated)
- Memory Settings (Outdated)
- Mo' Structures (Outdated)
- No Null Processors (Outdated)
- No Telemetry (Outdated)
- Phantom Config (Outdated)
- Pick Up Notifier (Outdated)
- Pling (Outdated)
- Polymorph (Outdated)
- Puzzles Lib (Outdated)
- Server Performance - Smooth Chunk Save (Outdated)
- Terralith (Outdated)
- TieFix (Outdated)
- TimeOutOut (Outdated)
- TipTheScales (Outdated)
- Towers of the Wild: Additions (Outdated)
- Universal Ores (Outdated)
- Villagers Respawn (Outdated)
- Wandering Trapper (Outdated)
- YUNG's API (Outdated)
- YUNG's Better Dungeons (Outdated)
- YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Outdated)
- YUNG's Better Strongholds (Outdated)
- YUNG's Bridges (Outdated)
- YUNG's Extras (Outdated)
- Cloth API (Outdated)
Mods updated:
> All up-to-date mods have been updated.
Config Changes:
= Moved around the buttons on the main menu: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed the "Changelog" button so that it now links to the CrismPack Wiki: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Added a warning message above the "Accept your fate" button: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed "Accept your fate" button to show a message when hovering the mouse over it that tells the player that clicking it results in no longer being able to be revived: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Enabled "Custom Window Icon" and "Custom Window Title": [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Set "Custom Window Title" to "Insomnia: Hardcore - Minecraft 1.19": [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Added custom window icon files: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Configured YOSBR to use the same default options as used in the 1.18.2 versions of the pack: [Your Options Shall Be Respected], [Client]
= Added "Need a server?" button with our BisectHosting affiliate link: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Disabled "defaultguiscale" as it would conflict with YOSBR: [FancyMenu]
= Disabled fade-in on buttons: [FancyMenu]\
v1.2.1 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.6
Update summary: Minor update that replaces the 'Towns & Towers' datapack with its newly released mod counterpart.
Detailed update description:
~ Replaced the 'Towns & Towers' datapack with its newly released mod counterpart.
~ Added a few new quality of life mods
~ Added embed button to the Discord Rich Presence that links to the modpack CurseForge page.
~ Updated all mods to their latest versions.
Mods added:
+ Towns and Towers - Structure Add-on
+ Illuminations 🔥 (Client)
+ Status Effect Timer (Client)
+ WMITAF (Client)
+ Entity Collision FPS Fix Refabricated (Client)
+ FastOpenLinksAndFolders (Client)
+ Compact Help Command (Server)
Mods removed:
- Colormatic (Incompatible with new version of 'Create Fabric')
- Emotecraft
Data Packs removed:
- Towns & Towers - Structure Overhaul (Replaced with mod version)
Mods updated:
> Additional Additions
> Advanced Netherite
> Architectury API
> AttributeFix
> Blockus
> Create Fabric
> Dark Paintings
> Dawn API
> Eating Animation
> Entity Texture Features
> Fabric API
> Fabric Waystones
> Inventory Profiles Next
> Lithium
> MedievalWeapons
> Roughly Enough Items
> Skin Layers 3D
> Zoomify
> Xaero's World Map
Config Changes:
= Added embed button that links to the CurseForge page ("Download Insomnia: Hardcore"): [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]\
v1.2.0a - Client Hotfix
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.5
Update summary: Fixed terrain not loading properly in multiplayer. This version is entirely compatible with 1.2.0 servers.
Mods removed:
- Sound Physics Fabric\
v1.2.0 - Major Update
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.5
Update summary: Create mod, custom respawning command, phantoms nerf, many new structures and more!
Detailed update description:
~ The 'Create' mod has launched on Fabric! Never heard of it? Then check out this video:
~ Created a new custom 'Insomnia Respawn Datapack' that allows for server admins to easily respawn all players (including offline players). To respawn all dead players, use the following command on your server: "/function insomniarespawn:respawn".
~ Phantoms now don't spawn due to lack of sleep, but will instead spawn if you wander around too long in The End.
~ Many new structures has been added by the "Towns & Towers" datapack. It is an amazing datapack that we are overjoyed to be allowed to include, so please go and show the creator some love! Link to the "Towns & Towers" datapack:
Mods added:
+ Advancements Debug
+ Create Fabric
+ Dyed
+ Economical Villager Trading
+ Essential Commands (Server)
+ Leaf Decay
+ Memory Settings (Client)
+ NPC Variety
+ Phantom Config
+ Roughly Enough Professions
+ Saplanting
+ Sound Physics Fabric (Client)
+ Styled Player List (Server)
+ TimeOutOut
+ Villagers Respawn
Data Packs added:
+ Towns & Towers - Structure Overhaul
Mods removed:
- Better Ping Display (Functionality replaced by 'Styled Player List')
- The Guild (Building isn't spawning due to some incompatibilty)
- Repurposed Structures
- Leaves us in peace (Replaced with 'Leaf Decay')
Data Packs removed:
- Villages Overhauled
- Repurposed Structures - Farmer's Delight Compat
- Repurposed Structures - More Villagers Compat
Mods updated:
> Additional Additions
> Adorn
> Architectury API
> Clickable advancements
> Entity Texture Features
> Fabric Waystones
> FancyMenu
> Flytre Lib
> HerdsPanic
> Inventory Profiles Next
> MedievalWeapons
> Mod Menu
> More Geodes
> Polymorph
> Raised
> Simple Discord RPC
> Smooth Chunk Save
> Sodium Extra
> ThonkUtil
> YUNG's Better Mineshafts
Config Changes:
= Added 'Insomnia Respawn Datapack' as a global datapack: [Global Data- & Resourcepacks]
= Disabled End Goblin Trader from spawning in the Overworld and Nether: [End Goblin Traders], [Both]
= Disabled Phantoms spawning due to no sleep: [Phantom Config], [Both]
= Changed the max spawn height of the Goblin Trader to 50: [Goblin Traders], [Both]
= Disabled update checks: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled show locked slots in hotbar: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled refill items from locked slots: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Changed the starter items to, 1x "Wooden Shield", 1x "Wooden Sword", 16x "Bread", 1x "Potion of Revivify" and 1x "Leather Boots": [Starter Kit], [Both]
= Enabled the Waystone structure for all 'Towns & Towers' villages: [Fabric Waystones]. [Both]\
v1.1.3 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.14.5
Update summary: A maintenance update that also brings some nice quality of life additions to the server side.
Mods added:
+ Stylized Chat (Server)
+ Smooth Chunk Save
+ Zoomify (Client)
+ Better Fabric Console (Server)
+ FlytreLib
Mods updated:
> Alternate Current
> Architectury API
> Cloth Config API
> Dark Enchanting
> Debugify
> Entity Texture Features
> Falling Leaves
> Forgotten Graves
> Global Data- & Resourcepacks
> Inventory Profiles Next
> More Geodes
> No Angled Brackets
> Raised
> Xaero's World Map
> YUNG's Better Mineshafts
Mods removed:
- OK Zoomer (Replaced with 'Zoomify' as it is not compatible with newer versions of Fabric)
- NotEnoughCrashes (Only removed from the server as it conflicts with 'Better Fabric Console')
Config Changes:
= Enabled Relative Sensitivity: [Zoomify], [Client]
= Changed Zoom Transition to 'Ease Out Sine': [Zoomify], [Client]
= Changed Zoom Speed to '100': [Zoomify], [Client]
= Changed the default Zoom keybind to 'Z': [Default Options], [Client]
= Fixed some resourcepacks not being enabled by default ('EclectricTrove' and Continuity's 'Default Connected Textures'/'Glass Pane Culling'): [Default Options], [Client]\
v1.1.2 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.13.3
Update summary: Fixed Phantom Origin taking damage when phasing through walls.
Mods added:
+ Cloth API
Mods updated:
> Guard Villagers
> Mo' Structures
Config Changes:
= Changed the IP address of the official server to "": [Default Options], [Client]
= Disabled mixin.entity.collisions.suffocation to fix taking damage when phasing through walls with the phantom origin: [Lithium], [Both]\
v1.1.1 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.13.3
Update summary: Minor update that adds a few new mods and integrates an official server.
Mods added:
+ YUNG's Better Strongholds
+ YUNG's Better Dungeons
+ YUNG's Better Mineshafts
+ YUNG's Extras
+ YUNG's Bridges
+ Incendium
+ Raised (Client)
+ Ksyxis
+ Spark
Mods updated:
> Guard Villagers
> FancyMenu (Client)
> Sit
Mods removed:
- Better Safe Bed
Config Changes:
= Fixed config not loading: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Changed default 'Active Power (Primary)' keybind from 'Origins' mod to 'H': [Default Options], [Client]
= Disabled 'Favorite Entry' keybind: [Roughly Enough Items], [Client]
= Changed 'Horizontal Favorites Boundaries' to 60%: [Roughly Enough Items], [Client]
= Disabled 'FriedEgg': [Additional Additions], [Both]\
v1.1.0 - 1.18.2 Update
Fabric version: Fabric-0.13.3
Update summary: First 1.18.2 release. This is a major update that in addition to bringing the modpack to 1.18.2 also adds, replaces and removes many mods.
Mods added:
+ Alternate Current
+ Animatica
+ AntiGhost
+ Armor Sound Tweak
+ Basic Shields
+ Bobby
+ Bookshelf
+ Camp Chair
+ Charm
+ CleanView
+ Colormatic
+ Couplings
+ Debugify
+ Don't Clear Chat History
+ End Goblin Traders
+ Enhanced Block Entities
+ Entity Texture Features
+ Erroring Entity Remover
+ Fabric Shield Lib
+ Fabric Waystones
+ Farmer's Delight
+ Faux Custom Entity Data
+ Global Data- & Resourcepacks
+ InvMoveCompats
+ Inventory Profiles Next
+ Lan Server Properties
+ Library Ferret
+ MidnightLib
+ More Geodes
+ Puzzle
+ Stoneholm, Underground Villages
+ The Guild
+ ThonkUtil
+ TipTheScales
+ lazy-language-loader
Data Packs added:
+ Repurposed Structures - Farmer's Delight Compat Datapack
+ Repurposed Structures - More Villagers Compat Datapack
+ Towers of the Wild: Reworked
+ Villages Overhauled
Mods updated:
> All mods has been updated to their latest versions.
Mods removed:
- Better Wandering Traders (Outdated)
- BetterF3
- Boat Container (Outdated)
- Bountiful (Outdated)
- Cave Tweaks (Outdated)
- CleanCut (Outdated)
- Compact Status Effects
- Connected Doors (Outdated. Replaced with 'Couplings')
- CraftTweaker
- Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle (Outdated)
- Croptopia
- Custom Stars
- Dual Riders (Outdated)
- Emerald Geodes (Outdated. Replaced with 'More Geodes')
- Farsight (Replaced with 'Bobby')
- Fast Furnace for Fabric (Outdated)
- FastBench for Fabric (Outdated)
- Illuminations 🔥 (Outdated)
- Improved Hoes (Outdated)
- Inventory Sorting (Replaced with 'Inventory Profiles Next')
- Iron Chests
- Kambrik (Outdated)
- Lapis Reserve
- Merchant Markers (Outdated)
- More Axolotls
- NPC Variety - Port (Outdated)
- Nullscape ~ End Reborn (Outdated)
- Sound Physics Fabric (Outdated)
- Third Person Maps (Outdated)
- Towers of the Wild: Reworked (Outdated. Replaced with datapack)
- Trade (Outdated)
- Void Totem
Config Changes:
= Disabled startup message: [Sodium Extra], [Client]
= Disabled Profiles Switching GUI: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled Overlay Editor Button: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled Refill Armor Before It Breaks: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled Replace Tools Before They Break: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Disabled Show Continuous Crafting Checkbox: [Inventory Profiles Next], [Client]
= Fixed the color of the "Copyright Mojang AB. Do not distribute!" text so that it is red again. Also made it smaller to match the size of the text on the left side. As a sideeffect of this change the credits menu no longer opens when clicked: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed the position of the text elements slightly: [FancyMenu], [Client]
= Changed the default music volume to 5%: [Default Options], [Client]
= Disabled sleeping. (This is a nod to the modpacks name): [Dusk], [Both]
= Created a global resourcepack to customize the 'block.minecraft.bed.no_sleep' message: [Global Data- & Resourcepacks], [Client]
= Disabled barrel variants as that functionality is already covered by 'Blockus': [Charm], [Both]
= Disabled ColoredBundles as that functionality is already covered by 'Consistency Plus': [Charm], [Both]
= Disabled InventoryTidying as that functionality is already covered by 'Inventory Profiles Next': [Charm], [Both]
= Configured to only take up 60% of the horizontal space next to the inventory: [Roughly Enough Items], [Client]
= Enabled cheating when in creative mode: [Roughly Enough Items], [Client]
= Changed appearance type to Composite: [Roughly Enough Items], [Client]
= Disabled PortableCrafting as it obstructs the buttons from 'Inventory Profiles Next': [Charm], [Both]
= Disabled TotemOfPreserving as that functionality is already covered by 'Forgotten Graves': [Charm], [Both]\
v1.0.7 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.13.1
Update summary: Maintenance update. Added a few quality of life mods and updated all mods to their latest versions.
Added Mods:
+ Krypton
+ Roughly Enough Resources
+ No Telemetry [Client]
+ Companion 🐕
+ EmoteCraft
+ Flan [Server]
Updated Mods:
> Adorn
> Architectury API
> Cloth Config API
> Collective
> CraftTweaker
> Entity Culling
> FerriteCore
> Forgotten Graves
> Guard Villagers
> MedievalWeapons
> MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy)
> Puzzles Lib
> Repurposed Structures
> Roughly Enough Items
> Sound Physics Fabric
> Void Totem
> Wandering Trapper\
v1.0.6 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: New terrain generation in 'The End' dimension as well as other quality of life improvements.
If you are going to play on a world created on a prior update, then make sure to delete the 'DIM1' folder from the world beforehand to avoid glitchy terrain in The End. This is due to the new world generation added by Nullscape.
Added Mods:
+ Nullscape
+ TieFix [Client]
+ Leaves Us In Peace
+ Better Biome Blend [Client]
+ Sound Physics Fabric [Client]
Updated Mods:
> AppleSkin
> Architectury API
> Collective
> Controlling
> Default Options
> Entity Culling
> Fabric API
> FancyMenu
> Interactic
> Legendary Tooltips
> Merchant Markers
> Repurposed Structures
> Roughly Enough Items
> Skin Layers 3D
> Towers of the Wild: Reworked
> WorldEdit
> Xaero's World Map
Removed Mods:
- BCDT Expansion (Blocks already included in Blockus)
- Immersive Portals (Incompatible with Nullscape. Also causes severe fps frops when a portal is nearby)
- Immersive Portals Survival Adaptation
Config Changes:
= Disabled 'matchLeavesTypes': [Leaves Us In Peace], [Both]
= Disabled 'matchLogsToLeaves': [Leaves Us In Peace], [Both]
= Disabled 'updateDiagonalLeaves': [Leaves Us In Peace], [Both]\
v1.0.5 - Exploration Update
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Big-ish update thats adds quite a few new mods that expands on exploration and general quality of life. All existing mods have also been updated to their latest versions.
Possibly incompatible with old worlds due to the new cave generation. Make sure to create a backup before updating.
Added Mods:
+ Furnace Recycle
+ BCDT Expansion
+ Incantationem
+ Iron Chests for Fabric
+ Cave Tweaks
+ Towers of the Wild: Reworked
+ Towers of the Wild: Additions
+ Dark Paintings
+ Mo' Structures
+ More Axolotls
+ NPC Variety
+ Merchant Markers [Client]
+ Easy Magic
+ Dense Ores: Refabricated
+ Guard Villagers
+ Wandering Trapper
+ Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone
+ Load My Resources [Client]
Updated Mods:
> Adorn
> Ambient Environment
> AttributeFix
> CIT Resewn
> Clear Despawn
> Clumps
> Controlling
> Crawl
> Decorative Blocks
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Fabric API
> FancyMenu
> Immersive Portals
> Iris Shaders
> Legendary Tooltips
> No Null Processors
> Red Bits
> Repurposed Structures
> Roughly Enough Items
> Sodium Extra
> Wandering Collector
> Xaero's World Map
v1.0.4 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Small quality of life update that adds and removes a few mods. All mods have also been updated to their latest versions.
Added Mods:
+ CleanCut
+ Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle
+ Forgotten Graves
+ Goblin Traders
+ ToolTipFix [Client]
Updated Mods:
> CraftTweaker
> Fabric API
> Iris Shaders
> Polymorph
> Sodium
> Sodium Extra
> FancyMenu
> Advanced Netherite
> Balm
> CIT Resewn
> Immersive Portals
> Indium
> More Villagers
> Not Enough Crashes
> Roughly Enough Items
> Terralith 2.0
Removed Mods:
- Grass Bypass [Replaced by CleanCut]
- True Darkness [Using a shaderpack would make the darkness effect disappear. Removing it simply makes it more fair for everyone]
- BedrockWaters [Incompatible with new version of Sodium]
Config Changes:
= Changed 'modpackName' to "Insomnia: Hardcore": [Better Compatibility Checker], [Both]
v1.0.3 - Big-ish update
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Big-ish update that adds some new mods and also removes a few.
If you are going to play on a world that was generated on v1.0.2 or prior it is important that you reset the Nether dimension beforehand due to the addition of Amplified Nether.
Added Mods:
+ Lithium [Client], [Already present on server]
+ Amplified Nether
+ Advanced Netherite
+ NetherPortalFix
+ BetterF3 [Client]
+ Better Wandering Traders
+ Dusk
+ Fast Furnace for Fabric
+ FastBench for Fabric
+ Trade
+ CraftTweaker
+ Forgotten Recipes
+ Roughly Enough Items Fabric
+ Croptopia
+ Nears
Updated Mods:
> Crawl
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Fabric API
> Falling Leaves
> FancyMenu
> Forge Config API Port
> Mouse Tweaks
> Terralith 2.0 ~ Overworld Evolved
> Immersive Portals
Removed Mods:
- Forgiving Void
- Chalk
- Map Atlases
- AutoReconnect
Config Changes:
= Changed text in the game window to "Insomnia: Hardcore - Minecraft {version}": [WindowTitleChanger], [Client]
= Changed large image hover text to "Insomnia: Hardcore | %mcver%": [Simple Discord RPC], [Client]
= Added and removed some lines from the splash text: [Client]\
v1.0.2 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: A small quality of life update. The modpack now supports the use of shaderpacks and resourcepacks that would normally require OptiFine.
Added Mods:
+ Legendary Tooltips [Client]
+ Iris Shaders [Client]
+ CIT Resewn [Client]
+ Custom Entity Models (CEM) [Client]
+ CompleteConfig [Client]
+ Starlight
Added Resource Packs:
+ Eclectic Trove (Legendary Tooltips)
Removed Mods:
- Visual Overhaul
- Copper Equipment
- Phosphor
Config Changes:
= Enabled 'Eclectic Trove' Resource Pack by default: [Default Options], [Client]
= Enabled 'Default connected textures' resourcepack from Continuity mod by default: [Default Options], [Client]
= Enabled 'glass_pane_culling' resourcepack from Continuity mod by default: [Default Options], [Client]
= Enabled resourcepack from BedrockWaters mod by default: [Default Options], [Client]
= Configured to use Eclectic Trove assets: [Legendary Tooltips], [Client]
= Enabled use of OptiFine entity model data from resource packs: [Custom Entity Models], [Client]
= Changed maximum memory value to 6GB in the start.bat file: [Server]
= Added lines about how to disable Hardcore mode in the README.txt file: [Server]
v1.0.1 - Maintenance
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Re-added mod that was accidentally removed in prior update.
Added mods:
+ InvMove\
v1.0.0 - Release Update
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Updated all mods and added a few new ones. First 'Release' version.
Added mods:
+ Decorative Blocks
+ Better Fps - Render Distance (Client)
+ Better Than Mending
+ Better Beds (Client)
Updated Mods:
> Architectury API
> Bountiful
> Compact Status Effects
> Controlling
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Equipment Compare
> Fabric API
> FancyMenu
> Flytre Lib
> HerdsPanic
> Iceberg
> Immersive Portals
> Inventory Sorting
> InvMove
> Kambrik
> Konkrete
> Lithium
> Login Protection
> Medieval Music
> More Axolotl Variants Mod
> Polymorph
> Repurposed Structures
> Simple Discord RPC
> Sit
> Terralith 2.0
> Xaero's World Map
pre7 - Pre Release
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Re-revamped the revive system.
Added mods:
+ Revive
Removed Mods:
- Hardcore Revival
- Respawn Delay
Config Changes:
= Changed "Spectator" button on the hardcore death screen to say "Accept your fate": (FancyMenu), (Client)
= Changed 'timer' to 18000 (15 minutes): (Revive), (Both)
pre6 - Pre Release
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Revamped revive system and removed buggy mods.
Added mods:
+ Respawn Delay (Server)
+ Hardcore Revival
Updated Mods:
> Adorn
> Balm
> Flytre Lib
> Inventory Sorting
> LambdaBetterGrass
> Terralith 2.0
Removed Mods:
- AdventureZ (causes instability)
- VoidZ
- Wild Update Mod (very buggy)
- Revive
Config Changes:
= Enabled 'continueTimerWhileOffline': (Hardcore Revival), (Both)
= Changed 'ticksUntilDeath' to 18000 (15 minutes): (Hardcore Revival), (Both)
pre5 - Pre Release
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Swapped one copper mod for another.
Added mods:
+ Copper Equipment
Updated Mods:
> Simple Discord RPC
Removed Mods:
- Copper Armor & Tools
pre4 - Pre Release
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: A few mod additions and subtractions.
Added mods:
+ Copper Armor & Tools
+ Launchpads
+ Blockus
+ Dark Enchanting
Updated Mods:
> Architectury API
> Better Third Person
> Enchantment Descriptions
> Flytre Lib
> Puzzles Lib
Removed Mods:
- Visual Workbench
- Simple Voice Chat
- Ruined Equipment
- RpgZ\
pre3 - Pre Release
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Small quality of life mod additions and config changes.
Added mods:
+ Not Enough Crashes (Client)
+ No Null Processors
Removed Mods:
- Effective
Config Changes:
= Chanced the default zoom key to 'Z': (DefaultOptions), (Client)
= Changed default difficulty to 'HARD': (DefaultOptions), (Client)
= Disabled update message: (Xaero's World Map), (Client)
= Changed logo to be locked to the center of the screen instead of the top: (FancyMenu), (Client)
= Disabled 'enableWarning': (Immersive Portals), (Both)
= Added a default '' file to the ServerPack: (N/A), (Server)
pre2 - Pre Release
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: A few config changes and mod additions.
Added mods:
+ No Angled Brackets
+ AdventureZ
+ VoidZ
Updated Mods:
> Controlling
> Architectury API
Config Changes:
= Changed the 'Changelog' button so that it links to the Insomnia modpack: (FancyMenu), (Client)
= Configured with the proper values: (Better Compatibility Checker), (Both)\
pre1 - Pre Release
Fabric version: Fabric-0.12.12
Update summary: Initial pre-release.