Changelog - 1.20.1
v2.2.0 Work in progress
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.16.9
Update Overview ⭐
- Added some mods with a creepy light-horror theme as well as new dungeons and bosses to the Overworld.
- New Icarae Origin with associated craftable wings.
- Reintroduced the Paradise dimension (The Aether) and Hephaestus (Tinkers Construct).
- Created new optimized server starter scripts for both regular JVM's and GraalVM as well as making them download the server jar instead of bundling it in the zip.
- Made general improvements to performance & stability.
- Greatly minimized memory footprint, making the modpack playable with just 6GB of RAM allocated in singleplayer.
- A bunch of quality of life changes.
- Multiple bug fixes.
- Updated mods and resource packs.
- And more!
Bug Fixes 🪲
- Fixed issue with mobs becoming invincible when hit with certain spells. [Issue]
- Fixed shader pack unable to be activated with keybind from fresh install.
- Fixed mobs glowing when holding a light source with shaders on.
- Fixed movement & abilities activating when searching for recipes.
- Fixed recipes for 'Metal Bundes' not showing in EMI.
Added Mods ✅
- Almanac Lib
- Better Trims
- Cobweb
- Common Network
- Configurable
- Crash Assistant
- Create Enchantment Industry Fabric
- Death Knights
- Default Options
- Dungeon Now Loading 1%
- Eccentric Tome
- Elytra Physics
- Entity Culling Fabric/Forge
- Faster Random
- Frostiful
- Hephaestus Fabric
- Icarae Origin
- Icarus
- iChunUtil
- InvMoveCompats
- Loot Integrations
- LootBeams Fabric Updated
- Paradise Lost
- Phantom Config
- Resourceful Config
- Sawmill
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Starlight
- Structure Layout Optimizer
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
- The Graveyard
- Thermoo
- Tierify
- True Darkness Refabricated
- Twigs
- Doctor Who: Weeping Angels
- You Died
- Yung Structures Addon for Loot Integrations
- Zombie Awareness
Removed Mods ❌
- Animatica
- Athena
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Camp Chair
- Chipped
- Couplings
- Dyed
- Enderite Mod
- Farsighted Mobs
- fix GPU memory leak
- Furnace Recycle
- Just Enough Items
- NetherVinery
- Phantom Config Fork
- Projectile Damage Attribute
- Shulker+
- The Lost Castle
- TieredZ
- True Darkness Fork
Updated Mods 🔄
- Advanced Netherite
- Advancement Plaques
- Alternate Current
- Alternate Origin GUI
- Amendments
- Armor & damage scaling
- AzureLib Armor
- AzureLib
- Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded
- Balm
- Better Archeology
- Better Combat
- Blockus
- Bookshelf
- Branded Logs
- Chat Heads
- Chat Patches
- Cloth Config API
- Collective
- Combat Roll
- Compact Help Command
- Companion 🐕
- CompleteConfig
- Connectivity
- Continuity
- CraterLib
- Create Fabric
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails
- Cubes Without Borders
- Cupboard
- Deeper and Darker
- Ding
- Dungeon Difficulty
- e4mc
- Eldritch End
- Elytra Slot
- Elytra Trims Extensions
- Elytra Trims
- Embeddium
- EMI Loot
- EMI Ores
- Enchantment Descriptions
- End's Delight
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features -
- Every Compat
- Expanded Delight
- Explosive Enhancement
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Farmer's Delight Refabricated
- Fast Async World Save
- Forge Config API Port
- Formations Overworld
- Formations
- Friends&Foes
- Fzzy Config
- GeckoLib
- Geophilic – Vanilla Biome Overhauls
- Harvest with ease
- Hearths
- Iceberg
- ImmediatelyFast
- Inventory Profiles Next
- Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
- Iris Shaders
- Item Obliterator
- Jade Addons
- Jade 🔍
- KubeJS
- Let Me Despawn
- Legacy: Brewery
- Lithostitched
- MCPitanLib
- Memory Settings
- Mine Cells - Dead Cells Mod
- MmmMmmMmmMmm
- MNS - Moog's Nether Structures
- ModernFix
- MES - Moog's End Structures
- MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures
- More Armor Trims
- Music Maker Mod
- Necronomicon API
- Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer
- Nether Portal Spread
- No Mob Farms
- Noisium
- Not Enough Animations
- Open Parties and Claims
- OptiGUI
- Overflowing Bars
- Packet Fixer
- Particle Core
- Pehkui
- Persistent Inventory Search
- Polymorph
- Pufferfish's Attributes
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Puzzles Lib
- Raised
- Ranged Weapon API
- Recipe Essentials
- Regions Unexplored
- Resourceful Lib
- Respawning Structures
- Rhino
- Philip's Ruins
- Runes
- Saplanting
- Savage Ender Dragon
- Moonlight Lib
- Separated Leaves
- ServerCore
- Simple Discord RPC
- Simple Voice Chat
- Simply Skills
- Simply Swords
- Skin Layers 3D
- Create Slice & Dice
- Small Ships
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Sophisticated Core
- Spell Engine
- Spell Power Attributes
- StackDeobfuscator
- Starter Structure
- Supplementaries
- Tectonic
- Tidal Towns
- TooManyOrigins
- Vein Mining
- Vinery
- Wavey Capes
- What Are They Up To
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- YDM's Weapon Master
- Zoomify
Updated Resource Packs 🔃
- Enhanced Boss Bars
- Fresh Animations Extensions
- Fresh Animations
- Fresh Compats
- F.M.R.P
- xali's Enchanted Books
Script/Datapack Changes 📝
- Changed backpack recipes to be more expensive by replacing ingots with blocks.
Config Changes 📝
- Changed Nvidium's dependency of Sodium to allow any version:
Fabric Loader
- Added lang override for 'Visual Traveler's Titles', changing "travelerstitles.the_aether.the_aether" to "travelerstitles.paradise_lost.paradise_lost":
Insomnia Custom Lang
- Added override for Create's breakage with 'Sound Physics Remastered':
Fabric Loader
- Changed shaderPack value to "Complementary r5.2.1 [Insomnia Edit]" by default:
- Changed "requireMod" to "true":
True Darkness Refabricated
- Deleted "mixin.experimental.chunk_tickets=false" line (effectively enabling it):
- Changed "mixin.experimental" to "true":
- Removed "minecells:minecells_guidebook" item from starterkit:
- Changed boss health and damage scale from "1.0" to "2.0":
Dungeon Now Loading 1%
- Changed dungeon mob health and attack scale from "1.0" to "1.5":
Dungeon Now Loading 1%
- Changed disableRecipebook to "true":
Recipe Essentials
- Moved shaderpack settings to be handled by YOSBR:
Complementary Insomnia Edit
- Replaced torch item with lanterns:
- Added "Eccentric Tome" item, containing TConstruct and SimplySwords guidebooks inside of it:
- Changed "addExistingItemsAfterKitSet" to "false":
- Added 'Graveyard', 'Weeping Angels' & 'Paradise Lost' chest loot entries to "dungeonChestLoottables" list:
Respawning Structures
- Changed "render_nametags" to "false":
- Changed "compactFastMap" to "true":
- Changed "interdimensional_teleporting" to "false":
Weeping Angles
- Configured mod to use our Discord server and BCC config values:
Crash Assistant
- Changed count_libraries, count_children and update_checker to "false":
Mod Menu
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.11
Update Overview ⭐
- Added 'Rogues & Warriors' mod.
- Updated the 'RPG Series' suite of mods, fixing deserialization crash on servers. [Issue]
- Implemented a script that schedules respawn waves on servers. (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday by default)
- Changed how armor functions to improve the balance of modded armor.
- Players now drop their head when killed.
- Fixed Creeper animations and textures not loading correctly.
- Fixed permadeath text showing up while respawning normally.
- Changed keepInventory functionality to make players drop their inventory when all lives are depleted.
- Players now gets a starter kit when respawning from a respawn wave.
- Refreshed design of server spawn structure. Now includes the rtp portal and buyable respawn mechanic as seen on the official server.
Added Mods ✅
- Armor & damage scaling
- Individual Keep Inventory
- Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
- Just Player Heads
- KubeJS
- Pufferfish's Attributes
- Rhino
- Rogues & Warriors
Removed Mods ❌
- AntiXray
- RandomTP
Updated Mods 🔄
- Archers
- Collective
- Fabric API
- MC Dungeons Weapons
- Paladins & Priests
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Ranged Weapon API
- Simply Skills
- Spell Engine
- Spell Power Attributes
- Starter Kit
- Wizards
Script/Datapack Changes 📝
- Wrote 'respawn_schedule' script for the server pack. Days of the week and time of the day can be configured in the "kubejs/config/respawn.json" file.
- Wrote 'keepinv' script for the server pack, which interacts with the 'Individual Keep Inventory' mod to make the player drop their inventory if they deplete all of their lives.
- Changed resurrection function of 'Insomnia Respawn Datapack' to give players a starter kit when respawning from a respawn wave.
Config Changes 📝
- Changed update_checker to "false":
Mod Menu
- Moved 'Fresh Animations Extensions' above the FA compat packs:
Resource Pack Overrides
- Set days array for respawn_schedule script to "[1, 3, 5, 6, 7]":
- Set targetHour for respawn_schedule script to "15":
- Set targetMinute for respawn_schedule script to "0":
- Removed "Warning" text from death screen:
- Changed enable-command-block to "true" by default:
Default Server Properties
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.11
Update Overview ⭐
- Moonphases now impact the light levels in the Overworld.
- Changed to use a single shader pack that includes both the Unbound and Reimagined visual styles.
- Improved framerate stability in singleplayer.
- Reverted 'RPG Series' mods to versions prior to "Saving NBT Data" server crashing issue started occuring.
Added Mods ✅
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- Persistent Inventory Search
- Ranged Weapon API
- Structure Essentials
- ThreadTweak
- Villagers Respawn
Removed Mods ❌
- All The Trims
- BadOptimizations
- Delightful Creators
- Faster Random
- Pufferfish's Attributes
- StutterFix
- TieFix
- Unsafe World Random Access Detector
Updated Mods 🔄
- Archers
- Branded Logs
- MC Dungeons Weapons
- ModernFix
- Paladins & Priests
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Simply Skills
- Spell Engine
- Spell Power Attributes
- Wizards
Config Changes 📝
- Changed shader pack menu to allow for editing settings:
- Added disclaimer message to shader pack menu:
- Changed doWriteToResourceTextFile to "true":
Branded Logs
- Changed only_affect_block_light to "false":
True Darknes Fork
- Changed game priority to "8":
- Added message to dh-menu to help with fixing fog issue:
- Changed gcFreeChunkSerializer to false:
- Changed threadedWorldGen enabled to "true":
- Changed clientSideConfig.modifyMaxVDConfig enabled to "false":
- Changed useSmallThreadingDetector to "true":
- Changed mixin.experimental to "true":
- Changed mixin.experimental.chunk_tickets to "false":
- Changed bugfix chunk_deadlock, packet_leak, paper_chunk_patches to "true":
- Changed perf clear_fabric_mapping_tables, clear_mixin_classinfo, dynamic_entity_renderers, faster_item_rendering, nbt_memory_usage, dynamic_sounds, dynamic_resources & deduplicate_location to "true":
- Changed thread_priorities to "false":
- Changed exp_use_optimized_chunk_ticking_iteration to "true":
Very Many Players
- Changed checkForNewUpdates to "false":
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.11
Update Overview ⭐
- Fixed modded dungeon and boss structures not being allowed to respawn.
- Fixed "Saving entity NBT" crashing issue. Thank you Crash Master Razor for helping narrowing down the cause!
- Added RPG style damage indicators.
- Removed unused library mods.
Added Mods ✅
- Log Cleaner
- Mmm Indicators
Removed Mods ❌
- Crafting Manipulator
- DoesPotatoTick?
- Faux Custom Entity Data
- LiLaC
- Memory Leak Fix
- Server Performance - Smooth Chunk Save
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
- TipTheScales
Updated Mods 🔄
- AzureLib
Config Changes 📝
- Added structure IDs for BOMD boss structures:
Respawning Structures
- Added structure ID "riendsandfoes:citadel":
Respawning Structures
- Added entries for modded chest loot tables to allow for detecting and respawning modded dungeons:
Respawning Structures
- Blacklisted "integrated_stronghold:stronghold":
Respawning Structures
- Changed screenTypingVisible to "false":
What are they up to?
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.11
Update Overview ⭐
- Client hotfix, fixing hearts turning black when having armor equipped. []
Updated Mods 🔄
- ImmediatelyFast
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.11
Update Overview ⭐
- Added some neat animation related resource packs and mods.
- Changed potions to be stackable up to 16.
- Updated mods to their latest version.
- Fixed hearts turning black when having armor equipped. []
- Fixed crashing issue when using the anvil upgrade in backpacks.
- May or may not fix server crashing related to spell projectiles.
Added Mods ✅
- Pufferfish's Attributes
- StackablePotions
- Styled Player List
- What Are They Up To
Added Resource Packs 📦
- Pufferfish's Attributes
- StackablePotions
- Styled Player List
- What Are They Up To
Removed Mods ❌
- AntiGhost
- Redirector
Updated Mods 🔄
- Amendments
- Amplified Nether
- AzureLib
- Better Archeology
- Chat Heads
- Collective
- Continuity
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails
- Elytra Trims
- Embeddium
- Enchantment Descriptions
- EMI Extra Integrations
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Item Obliterator
- Jade 🔍
- Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer
- Packet Fixer
- Polymorph
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Puzzles Lib
- Resourceful Lib
- Philip's Ruins
- Savage Ender Dragon
- Moonlight Lib
- Simple Voice Chat
- Simply Skills
- Skin Layers 3D
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Sophisticated Core
- Suggestion Tweaker
- Supplementaries
- TerraBlender
- Wavey Capes
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- YUNG's Better Jungle Temples
- Zoomify
Updated Resource Packs 🔃
- F.M.R.P
Config Changes 📝
- Changed preventFirstPersonHandAnimating to "true":
Entity Model Features
- Changed skinTransparencyMode to "ALL":
Entity Texture Features
- Moved arrow to the bottom right corner:
Combat Roll
- Deleted ping placeholder:
Styled Player List
- Fixed alignment of "Insomnia: Hardcore" text:
Styled Player List
- Force enabled 'Fresh Moves' & 'FreshCompats':
Resource Pack Overrides
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.11
Update Overview ⭐
- Added 'Sophisticated Backpacks', 'Small Ships' & 'Every Compat'.
- Greatly nerfed the effectiveness of some overpowered mob farms.
- Upped the general difficulty of the Otherside dimension, Deep Dark biome, Frozen Ocean biomes, Aquamirae structures, Strongholds & Ancient Cities.
- Greatly increased the difficulty of Wither Boss, Mother of the Maze & Captain Cornelia in the Overworld.
- Fixed conflicting keybinds with the "R" key.
- Fixed shields not working properly. []
- Fixed crashing issue when entering the Promenade dimension. []
- Switched to use the newer 'Farmer's Delight Refabricated'.
- Switched to use the regular version of 'Xaero's Minimap' to enable cave maps.
- Changes to the selection of optimization mods, hopefully improving compatibility & server performance.
- Updated mods to their latest versions.
Added Mods ✅
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Connectivity
- Cubes Without Borders
- DoesPotatoTick?
- Embeddium
- Every Compat
- Farmer's Delight Refabricated
- Fzzy Config
- Modern KeyBinding
- No Mob Farms
- Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames
- Small Ships
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Sophisticated Core
- Very Many Players
Removed Mods ❌
- Advancements Enlarger
- Borderless Mining
- Better Recipe Books
- Chunk Sending
- Entity Culling Fabric/Forge
- Farmer's Delight
- Indium
- Limited Chunkloading - Chunk cleanup
- Mobs Attempt Parkour
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- Recipe Book Delight
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Shield Overhaul
- Sodium
- TimeOutOut
Updated Mods 🔄
- Advanced Netherite
- Amendments
- Archers
- AzureLib
- BadOptimizations
- Better Archeology
- Better Combat
- Blockus
- Bookshelf
- Branded Logs
- Chipped
- Chunky
- Clickable advancements
- Clumps
- Collective
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails
- Dungeon Difficulty
- Elytra Trims
- EMI Loot
- End's Delight
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features -
- Expanded Delight
- EMI Extra Integrations
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Farmer's Knives
- Fast Paintings
- Faster Random
- Formations Overworld
- Hearths
- ImmediatelyFast
- Iris Shaders
- Jade Addons
- Jade 🔍
- Brewery
- NetherVinery
- MC Dungeons Armors
- MC Dungeons Weapons
- Mine Cells - Dead Cells Mod
- MmmMmmMmmMmm
- MNS - Moog's Nether Structures
- ModernFix
- MES - Moog's End Structures
- MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures
- More Culling
- Noisium
- Not Enough Animations
- Ocean's Delight
- Create Support for Open Parties and Claims
- Open Parties and Claims
- Packet Fixer
- Paladins & Priests
- Particle Core
- Projectile Damage Attribute
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Recipe Essentials
- Philip's Ruins
- Searchables
- Moonlight Lib
- ServerCore
- Simple Voice Chat
- Simply Skills
- Simply Swords
- Skin Layers 3D
- Create Slice & Dice
- Spell Engine
- Spell Power Attributes
- Starter Kit
- Starter Structure
- Supplementaries
- TerraBlender
- Vein Mining
- Vinery
- Wavey Capes
- Wizards
- Xaero's World Map
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- YUNG's Better Dungeons
- Zoomify
Updated Resource Packs 🔃
- Slightly Improved Font
Config Changes 📝
- Disabled parrying:
Shield Overhaul
- Unbound conflicting "R" keybind from 'BRB' & 'Azurelib':
- Added config entry for "deep_dark" biome and set its difficulty to 4:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Added config entry for "overside" dimension and set its difficulty to 4:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Fixed the faulty config entry for the "ancient_city" structure and set its difficulty to 4:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Upped the difficulty of the "integrated_stronghold:stronghold" structure from 4 to 6:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Added config entries for "aquamirae:captain_cornelia", "aquamirae:maze_mother" & "wither" to independently change their difficulty in the Overworld:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Disabled "Dynamo" enchantment:
MC Dungeons Weapons
- Moved arrow to the bottom left corner of the screen:
Combat Roll
- Disabled "allowRadarOnServer":
Xaero's Minimap
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.7
Update Overview ⭐
- Reverted 'OPAC' and 'OPAC Create Support' update to fix issues with pipes from 'Create'. []
- Made the difficulty scaling of dungeons and bosses even more aggressive.
- Changed recipes for Metal Bundles to be more expensive.
Updated Mods 🔄
- Create Support for Open Parties and Claims
- Open Parties and Claims
Config Changes 📝
- Replaced all recipes for Metal Bundles to use blocks:
Insomnia - Config
- Added entry for "betternether:nether_city":
Dungeon Difficulty
- Added attributes for health and armor for the dungeon difficulty type:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Armor addition set to "1.0" for the dungeon difficulty type:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Health multiplier set to "0.1" for the dungeon difficulty type:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Increased the experience multiplier from "0.0" to "0.3" for the dungeon difficulty type:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Increased the damage multiplier from "0.1" to "1.0" for the dungeon difficulty type:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Increased the damage multiplier from "0.25" to "2.0" for the boss difficulty type:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Increased the armor multiplier from "0.25" to "1.0" for the boss difficulty type:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Increased the health multiplier from "0.5" to "1.0" for the boss difficulty type:
Dungeon Difficulty
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.7
Update Overview ⭐
- Fixed crashing issue related to 'Create Fabric'. []
- Fixed some keybind conflicts.
- Fixed 'Freshly Modded' not being enabled.
- Disabled some overpowered enchantments.
Added Mods ✅
- Icterine
Added Resource Packs 📦
- Icterine
Removed Mods ❌
- Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
- Sound Physics Remastered
Updated Mods 🔄
- Combat Roll
- Create Fabric
- Falling Leaves
- Integrated API
- More Axolotl Variants API
- More Axolotl Variants Mod
- MCPitanLib
- Noisium
- Create Support for Open Parties and Claims
- Open Parties and Claims
- Simple Voice Chat
- Tectonic
- Towers of the Wild Modded
Config Changes 📝
- Unbound keybinds per default for "cycleLeft" & "cycleRight" from 'PuzzleApi':
- Disabled "Chilling" enchantment:
MC Dungeons Armor
- Disabled "ENIGMA_RESONATOR" enchantment:
MC Dungeons Weapons
- Made 'Freshly Modded' actually be force-enabled:
Resource Pack Overrides
- Changed "dayDelayConfig" to 10:
From the Fog - Config
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.7
Update Overview ⭐
- Revamped Nether terrain generation.
- Added additional content to Nether and End dimensions.
- Fixed mob health and damage being too high.
- Fixed beds in Minecells dimensions being able to set respawn point.
- Fixed phantoms spawning in the Overworld on servers.
- Reworked the difficulty system to have a more sharp increase as you progress through dimensions and bosses.
- Configured difficulty of many modded dungeons.
- Fixed some crashing issues.
- Replaced REI suite with EMI for improved compatibility.
- Added more options for inventory expansion.
- Re-added a few quality of life mods.
- And probably more that i have forgotten to write down. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Added Mods ✅
- Amplified Nether
- Async Locator
- AzureLib
- BetterNether
- ClickThrough
- Eldritch End
- EMI Loot
- EMI Ores
- EMI Trades
- EMI Extra Integrations
- Faster Random
- Friends&Foes
- Hearths
- ItemFlexer
- Just Enough Items
- Metal Bundles
- MNS - Moog's Nether Structures
- More Armor Trims
- No Chat Reports
- Paragliders
- Savage Ender Dragon
- StackDeobfuscator
- Suggestion Tweaker
Added Resource Packs 📦
- Amplified Nether
- Async Locator
- AzureLib
- BetterNether
- ClickThrough
- Eldritch End
- EMI Loot
- EMI Ores
- EMI Trades
- EMI Extra Integrations
- Faster Random
- Friends&Foes
- Hearths
- ItemFlexer
- Just Enough Items
- Metal Bundles
- MNS - Moog's Nether Structures
- More Armor Trims
- No Chat Reports
- Paragliders
- Savage Ender Dragon
- StackDeobfuscator
- Suggestion Tweaker
Removed Mods ❌
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- CIT Resewn
- Dark Enchanting
- Elytra Physics
- fabric-permissions-api
- Heartbond
- Incendium
- Login Protection
- Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge
- Roughly Enough Professions
- Roughly Enough Resources
- Structure Essentials
Removed Resource Packs ❌
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- CIT Resewn
- Dark Enchanting
- Elytra Physics
- fabric-permissions-api
- Heartbond
- Incendium
- Login Protection
- Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge
- Roughly Enough Professions
- Roughly Enough Resources
- Structure Essentials
Updated Mods 🔄
- Amendments
- Archers
- Crafting Manipulator
- Elytra Trims Extensions
- Elytra Trims
- Extra Origins
- Integrated API
- NetherVinery
- Mouse Tweaks
- Paladins & Priests
- Polymorph
- Philip's Ruins
- ServerCore
- Simple Voice Chat
- Simply Skills
- Spell Engine
- Tectonic
- TieredZ
- Vinery
- Wizards
Config Changes 📝
- Disabled "perPlayerDifficulty":
Dungeon Difficulty
- Renamed config file to "phantomconfigfork.json5" so it actually can be read by the mod:
- Enabled "sleepCheckOverworldOnly":
Insomnia Config
- Enabled "forceUpdates" for chatSettings:
- Added config entries for 'Integrated Strongholds', 'Better Desert Temples', 'Better Jungle Temples', 'Better Ocean Monuments', 'Better Fortresses', 'Friends and Foes', 'Bosses of Mass Destruction', 'Minecells', 'Moogs Nether Structures', 'Philips Ruins' & 'Better Dungeons':
Dungeon Difficulty
- Changed difficulty of Minecells dimensions. Prison=4, Promenade=5, Ramparts=5, Insufferable_Crypt=3, Black_Bridge=3:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Changed difficulty of BOMD bosses. Lich=3, Void_Blossum=4, Gauntlet_Arena=6, Obsidilith_Arena=8:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Changed all structures to be "normal" difficulty type to prevent spawner spam:
Dungeon Difficulty
- Enabled scrolling for the MOTD message text box:
- Disabled buttons on multiplayer menu:
No Chat Reports
- Disabled Void Strike and Void Shot enchantments:
MC Dungeons Weapons
- Unbound keybinding by default for favoring items:
- Changed minimap to be enabled by default:
Xaero's Minimap
- Enabled DDR:
Simply Skills
- Fixed Withered origin not being unselectable:
TooManyOrigins - Disable Withered
- Enabled "forceBetterXPreset":
- Disabled "Blackstone Basin" nether biome:
Regions Unexplored
- Changed horizontal offset of buttons to "26" for the backpacked menu:
Inventory Profiles Next
- Enabled "show_icon_only_when_corrupted":
Eldritch End
- Added "metalbundles:leather_bundle" as a starter item:
- Disabled "allowLootablePlayer":
- Disabled "heartContainers":
- Disabled "enhanced_cauldron":
Mod UpdatesFabric Loader 0.15.7
Update Overview ⭐
- First proper release version for 1.20.1!
- Players now spawn with a guidebook for 'Mine Cells' as well as a custom banner that can be equipped as a cape.
- New main menu panorama background & added an MOTD box on the main menu.
- Added 'From The Fog'. Herobrine will visit players at rare intervals but major haunting is disabled.
- Improved performance in areas with a lot of particles and chests.
- New dimensions, dungeons, structures & equipment.
- Created new datapack for servers that clears dropped items every 30 minutes.
- Fixed right-clicking beds not setting respawn point.
- Fixed new players not spawning in the starter structure.
- Updated all mods to their latest version.
- General cleanup and polish.
- And more...
Config Changes 📝
- Changed default value for particles to 1 (decreased):
- Changed encounter to be "rare":
From The Fog
- Disabled major haunting:
From The Fog
- Disabled "Ocean Sand Pyramid" structure from spawning:
From The Fog
- Disabled "Stone Bee" structure from spawning:
Moog's Voyager Structures
- Changed "Official Server" button to link to
- Changed built-in server to "":
Builtin Servers
- Removed main menu background panorama (Allows the panorama to be controlled though resource packs instead):
- Added background panorama override:
Insomnia Textures
- Changed disableSleep to "false":
- Changed minSleepTime to "0":
- Executes "gamerule keepInventory true" on load:
Insomnia Config
- Executes "gamerule allowSleeping false" on load:
Insomnia Config
- Fixed formatting of modded built-in textures:
Resource Pack Overrides
- Fixed new players not spawning inside the starter structure:
Insomnia Respawn
- Filter "Too many items! Cleared 1001 tasks." console spam:
Log Begone
- Commented out starter item lines to let it be handled by 'StarterKit':
Starter Items
- Set up starter items to be handled by this mod:
- Added MineCells guidebook & custom banner as starter items: